單價: | 3.50元/平方米 |
發貨期限: | 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨 |
所在地: | 直轄市 北京 北京房山 |
有效期至: | 長期有效 |
發布時間: | 2023-12-18 05:30 |
最后更新: | 2023-12-18 05:30 |
瀏覽次數: | 195 |
采購咨詢: |
E9區創新工場位于北京市朝陽區黑莊戶康中街E9,占地面積8萬平方米,建筑面積4萬余平方米,前身為三元食品乳品一廠。E9區創新工場分二期改造,入駐企業80余家。園區北大門由老廠的66個大小不一的立式奶倉罐和4000多米管道組成,保留了乳品廠痕跡;入門的巨型二維碼玄關結合了活字印刷和時下流行的二維碼,掃一掃就可以關注園區公眾號。園區將有效整合藝術、創意、人文、工業等元素,整體規劃以中軸線為界分為兩個功能板塊,其中西區以集聚辦公、產業功能為主,東區以藝術人文、工業文化為主,將重點發展傳媒、影視、數字新媒體等產業,打造國家文化產業創新實驗區東部文化創意與相關產業融合示范園區。The E9 District Innovation Factory is located in E9 Kangzhong Street, Heizhuanghu, Chaoyang District, Beijing. It covers an area of 80000 square meters and has a construction area of over 40000 square meters. Its predecessor was Sanyuan Food and Dairy Factory 1. The Innovation Workshop in E9 District has been renovated in two phases, with over 80 enterprises settled in. The North Gate of the park is composed of 66 vertical milk storage tanks of different sizes and over 4000 meters of pipelines from the old factory, preserving the traces of the dairy factory; The giant QR code entrance combines movable type printing and theR code. You can pay attention to the park's official account after scanning. The park will effectively integrate elements such as art, creativity, humanities, and industry. The overall plan is divided into two functional areas based on the central axis. The western area is mainly focused on gathering office and industrial functions, while the eastern area is mainly focused on art, humanities, and industrial culture. It will focus on developing industries such as media, film and television, and digital new media, and create a demonstration park for the integration of cultural creativity and related industries in the eastern part of the National Cultural Industry Innovation Experimental Zone.