Test item 測試名稱: Household, Commercial, and Professional-Use Carts and Stands for Use with Audio/ Video E與音響/錄放機裝置一起使用之家用,商用及專業用推車及架子Test info 測試內容:ClauseTest Re 6General 7Corrosion Protection8Sharp Edges9Securement of Products10Ventilation11Materials12User AssemblyPerformance 14Temperature Stability Test15Tip Stability Test16Loading Test17Wall or Ceiling Mounting Security Test18Appurtenance Loading Test19Impact Test20Glass Parts – Impact Test21Wheel, Roller, or Caster Securement Test22Adhesives TestMarking23General24Identifying Information25Factory Identification26Supporting Surface LoadSample required: 5 sets of completed products with assembly instruction (if applicable) .Turnaround time: Regular (15 working days) Sample for reference 參考圖片:Sample Report 報告樣本: