單價: | 面議 |
發貨期限: | 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨 |
所在地: | 直轄市 上海 上海嘉定 |
有效期至: | 長期有效 |
發布時間: | 2023-12-13 14:56 |
最后更新: | 2023-12-13 14:56 |
瀏覽次數: | 111 |
采購咨詢: |
主辦單位 中國皮革協會 中國輕工工藝品進出口商會 上海市皮革技術協會 浙江省皮革行業協會
承辦單位 上海能博會展有限公司
第20屆上海國際箱包展覽會作為全球三大箱包展之一,由上海市商務委員會批準,中國皮革協會、中國輕工工藝品進出口商會、上海市 皮革技術協會、浙江省皮革行業協會聯合主辦,上海能博會展有限公司承辦,是全球箱包制造商與經銷商、品牌商、代理商、貿易商、電 商、設計師、買手等對接交流的高端平臺,聚焦箱包產業,匯聚行業產品、技術、信息、人脈,推動箱包內外貿發展新空間,打造箱包全產 業鏈生態圈展會。 As one of the world's three major professional bag &luggage show,The 20th Shanghai international bag show is approved by the Shanghai Business Committee, Hosted by China Leather Association、China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Light Industrial Products & Arts-Crafts、Shanghai Leather Technology Association、Zhejiang Leather Industry Association and Shanghai Nengbo Exhibition Co.,LTD.It is a platform for connecting the global luggage manufacturers,dealers, brands、agents, traders ,e-commerce, designers, and buyers,etc.The show will focus on bag industry, gathering industry products, technology, information and human resource . It will promote the international and domestic trade through creating a new bag industry chain ecosystem.
2023年第19屆上海國際箱包展覽會,主題:數字新未來,產業新發展。來自全球500多家企業參展,展出面積30,000多平,吸引參觀人數50,000多 人,意向簽約金額20多億元。成為參展商和觀眾的展會,并取得了很多贊譽和認同。 There are more than 500 enterprises from all over the world participated in the 19th Shanghai International bag show in 2023, covering an area of 30,000 square meters. During the exhibition, more than 50,000 visitors were attracted, and more than USD277,660,000 are going to sign up.It has become a trustworthy exhibition for exhibitors and visitors, and won a lot of praise and recognition.