NEOFLON? ETFE EP-610ASGeneric Name: 乙烯四氟乙烯共聚物 (ETFE) - 提供方: DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd.NEOFLON EP-610AS is a fluoropolymer with conductive property.IntroductionNEOFLON EP-610AS is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and ethylene incorporating conductivity, which is chemically stable and electrically uni mechanical properties, good processability and good radiation resistance. Owing to the feature of ethylene (comonomer).Low specific gravity.Good for both extrusion and injection molding due to its good melt flowability. 與典型值比較 - Upgrade to compare!單位: SI 總覽材料狀態已商用:當前有效資料 1Technical Datasheet (English)搜索 UL 黃卡DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd.NEOFLON?供貨地區北美洲非洲和中東拉丁美洲歐洲亞太地區特性導電性共聚物抗伽馬輻射良好的加工性能良好的流動性加工方法擠出注射成型物理性能額定值單位制測試方法密度 / 比重1.86g/cm3ASTM D792熔流率(熔體流動速率) (372°C/2.16 kg)5.0g/10 minASTM D3159機械性能額定值單位制測試方法抗張強度20.0MPaASTM D638伸長率 (斷裂)200%ASTM D638電氣性能額定值單位制測試方法表面電阻率 32.0E+5ohms內部方法