Kynar? PVDF MG15 飲用水應用 藥物 醫療/護理用品 高粘度 結晶 聚偏二氟乙烯 Generic Name: 聚偏二氟乙烯 (PVDF) - 提供方: Arkema High Performance PolymersKynar? resins are fluorinated thermoplastic homopolymers.Kynar? MG15 resin is a crystalline high viscosity polymer of polyvinylidene difluoride. It is an engineering polymer with an outstanding balance of physical strength and high chemical resistance which make it ideal for micro and ultra-filtration membranes for durable water purification and other applications.Kynar? MG15 resin is soluble in selected solvents and can be used in solution processing applications. It is especially recommended for hollow fiber and flat sheet membranes.Kynar? MG15 resin has NSF, FDA, and USP Class VI certifications for use in potable water, food processing, and bio-pharma applications. 與典型值比較 - Upgrade to compare!單位: SI 總覽材料狀態已商用:當前有效資料 1Technical Datasheet (English)搜索 UL 黃卡Arkema High Performance Polymers供貨地區北美洲非洲和中東拉丁美洲歐洲亞太地區特性高粘度結晶均聚物良好的強度耐化學品性能,良好食品接觸的合規性用途濾材膜藥物醫療/護理用品飲用水應用機構評級FDANSFUSP 第VI類形式粉狀加工方法澆鑄物理性能額定值單位制測試方法密度 / 比重-- 31.77 到 1.79g/cm3ASTM D792--1.78g/cm3ISO 1183吸水率 (飽和)< 0.040%ASTM D570溶液粘度 4> 1500mPa·s機械性能額定值單位制測試方法拉伸模量 (23°C)1380 到 2310MPaASTM D638抗張強度 (屈服, 23°C)44.8 到 55.2MPaASTM D638彎曲模量 (23°C)1380 到 2310MPaASTM D790熱性能額定值單位制測試方法玻璃轉化溫度 5-40.0°CISO 11357-2熔融溫度-- 5168°CISO 11357-3--162 到 172°CASTM D3418光學性能額定值單位制測試方法折射率 61.420ASTM D542充模分析額定值單位制測試方法熔體粘度 (230°C, 100 sec^-1)3300 到 3900Pa·sASTM D3835